The random thoughts, rants, raves, passions and general nonsense of one thirty-something single gal living and working and worshipping in the low-country of South Carolina.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
I Am Convinced...
Anyone who knows me well, knows I am facinated with manufacturing processes. Modern Marvels is one of my favorite shows. This morning they had an episode on this morning entitled "Commercial Jets." It was excited for me to watch this episode because it was a few years old. And at the end they state something along the lines of "I wonder where the next step in commercial airliners will be." Well, folks, you can view it for yourself here. And do you want to see what I see at work most days (besides the center and aft fueslages): yep, I see the DreamLifter. This plane freaks. me. out. One of these days I'm going to have the privelege to see it take off and land...even if I have to work from the parking lot to make that happen.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Pumas and Bison and Bears Oh My!
It was quite exciting to see all of these animals. There were also otters (which I could not get a good picture of) and Doodlebug deemed them her favorite. We would not buy her a stuff otter in the gift shop (I know, we're horrible) so mom said all she did on the way home (5+ hours) was tell them how much otters are her favorite animals. She's a smart one all right.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Text the Troops
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I Heart Vick

Monday, November 12, 2007
I Have Been a VERY Bad Friend
S - Shay's wife. Remember Shay. Yep, they are still one of my favorite couples ever.
H - Honest. Shanle is always honest when you need or to be or when you don't want her to be. You always know where you stand around her. A great characteristic and I love her for it.
A - Angel with a choir robe on. Ok, maybe not anymore. But she was when I first met her. I still enjoy sitting next to her and hearing her praise Jesus on Sundays.
N - Neat gift giver. She went to Kenya and brought me back the coolest bracelet that she knew I wouldn't like. It was orange and white. No, I'm not a Vol fan, but I loved it anyways. It represents the #20. Go Tony Go. It's in my car so I think of her everytime I put the car into drive or park.
L -Long way away. Ok, really not so long, but she isn't just down the road anymore. And she isn't saving me a seat on the 3rd row at chuch anymore. But she is always around on Facebook to poke me and send me messages.
E - Ever-forgiving. She doesn't hold it against me that it took me 3 days to get this posted. She's just pumped she got her own blog entry.
So, Shanle, I love you and I hope you had a great day. Love, Kari.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
2 Weeks as a Carolina Girl
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Birthday Girl
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time Travel Tuesday - Most Adventurous Act
This week Annie is asking us to tell about our most adventurous act. Moving to Charleston is definitely the most adventurous thing I have ever done. (Well, aside from killing the black widow spider, but I've already told that story.) I told my mom that moving to college was nothing major because I always knew I would. Then moving to K-town after college was expected because when you graduate from college you have to take a job and move somewhere. And an hour from where I grew up is hardly what I'd call a "big move." However, picking up my life, packing up my first home, and moving 5.5 hours away was an adventure. Yes, I know it isn't moving half-way around the world, which is literally what two of my friends have done, but it is still a HUGE adventure for me, a girl who always wanted to build a small home on her grandparent's farm and retire there with her dog and niece running around everywhere. I'm a small town girl, who had big town dreams, who then realized she really is a small town girl. So, now I am a small town girl living in a big city 5.5 hours from everything familiar. Yes, I come here often on vacation, but living here will be an adventure. I hope to take advantage of everything the city has to offer and treat it as a long-term vacation. I don't want to become so complacent in my daily living that I forget all of the history there is around me. I found a wonderful website which tells me events that are happening in the area. I am terribly sad to read I missed "A Taste of Charleston" by mere days, but I know that next year I will be there. I will also drive a couple of hours north to Irmo to attend the Okra Strut (it's a festival, ya'll.) Yes, folks, you read it here, there is a festival totally devoted to fried okra. Life doesn't get much better than that folks. Well, enough about my big adventure. I hope you'll continue to join me as I continue to tell you more about it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Itsy, Bitsy Spider Drives Me Nuts!!!!
On to spider story #2. I was up at 4:00 AM on Wednesday morning finishing up some packing for the move. I went into the garage because I knew there was a Rubbermaid container that was not completely full. I went to move a camping chair off the top and noticed a spider. Upon closer look I learned it was not your everyday spider. Nope. Carrie's life is not that easy. It had to be a Black Widow. You got it. Carrie + 4 AM + Poisonous Spider = NOT FUN!!!! I almost called my dad because he is fascinated by all things poisonous (spiders, snakes, etc.) It's weird, I know, but he's my dad so I love him regardless. But I decided I would be brave so I looked up the best way to kill said spider. I didn't want to smash her because Dad would want to see her. So, from a website I learned oven cleaner does a good job killing them. So armed with a can of bug killer and oven cleaner I soaked her down really well. Then I rinsed out a salsa jar and scooted her into it with a fly swatter. So, she is now preserved at my home for my dad to investigate. It only took me an hour to get brave enough to do all of this and move on with my packing. Since my original plan was to get up at 5:00 AM and get started, I was right on track.
And the final spider story. Arynda and I arrived in Charleston around 5:30 PM. I got my lease signed and the movers called to say they were an hour out. So we went out to get something to eat and pick up a few groceries. We came back and the movers were here so we started moving boxes around as they brought them up to the apartment. I went into the master closet to put something up and lo-and-behold a spider was attemting to build a web from the ceiling to the floor. So I decided this spider (which I'm sure was female) had to go. Bye-bye spider.
Hopefully all the future spiders who would want to impose themselves into my life will read this blog and know that coming into my life is hazardous to their health. But if they miss the memo, I am ready to attack at a moment's (or hour's) notice.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Doodlebug is 5
On Saturday it was cowgirl all the way! I showed up a little early to add the ever important french-braid pigtails to the cowgirl outfit. Here is the final product. Unfortunately Doodlebug is not camera friendly, so since I was trying to do a black and white and just pick up the pink, I didn't get a real picture of her outfit. But at least you get to see her lovely smile instead of her "rolling my eyes and glaring at you for trying to take my picture for the 15,000th time today" look.
Horseback rides were available for the children. Only for my niece would I climb upon a large animal and be led around a field. Not my cup-o-tea. But the things we will do for the little ones in our lives.
The kids had a lovely time and the adults roasted tons and tons of hotdogs and marshmellows for little mouths. Ok, who am I kidding, the marshmellows were all for me. I can't believe she is 5 years old. So much has happened in the last 5 years and it seems so long, yet not long enough.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
1) Doodlebug turned 5! Craziness, I know.
2) Spiders...I HATE them
3) Pressure Washing
4) Farewell to my first home
I looke forward to catching up with each and everyone one of my 5 readers once I am settled in South Carolina. And hopefully I will find the cable that hooks from my camera to my computer so I can upload some pics as well. Until we meet again, God Bless!
Friday, October 05, 2007
The Itsy Bitsy Spider...Climbed Into My TV!!!!
Monday, October 01, 2007
I'm How Old?
Carrie: So, how old is Charlotte?
Terrie: She's 21 months.
Jimmy: Why don't you just say she is almost 2?
Terrie: Because when they are that little things change so much from month to month.
So, I decided I'll start telling my age in months rather than years. I'll either feel younger or older...I haven't decided yet. In 15 days I will be 345 months old. WOW! Ok, so it made me feel old. Which is good because as we were sitting there chatting about age, these two kids were hitting a beach ball back and forth. The ball came flying over toward me and one yelled, "you almost hit that lady!" I looked around. Where was the lady? I realized she was calling me a lady. Yep, I've finally grown old enough that children refer to me as a lady and not a girl. I feel old. It's 9:33 P.M. I should be in bed. Goodnight to all.
Travel Itenerary Completed
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Apple vs. Dell
So, Adam, if you read this before tomorrow, you can research error "Unknown Error 2131." Thanks!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Shay's Day
It's Shay's birthday. Shay just recently found out I have a blog so I thought I'd write a little poem for him. We'll see how it turns out. If you keep looking and there is no poem it means it didn't turn out. I just thought I'd lay it all on the line for those of you who may wonder if I'm losing it. I am, but just because I'm losing it doesn't mean you have to get all upset about it. After all, I'm moving to the beach and you aren't. So there. Oops..I digressed again. Here goes something...
September 26 is a day
It's a day to celebrate Shay
How many years I will not tell
I'm writing this on my new Dell
Shay stole Shanle's heart I fear
At least he let her stay real near
Their wedding was just like a dream
It gave Haley and I time to scheme
Happy Birthday to my friend
I just now found a key that says end
Until I learn the new computer's quirks
Silly poems like this will have to work
Shay, I hope you had a great b'day. If I had found the picture of you on the turtle I would have placed it on the blog, but it disappeared from your Facebook profile so I couldn't humiliate you in front of the 4 people who actually read this blog.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Moving on Up, to the East Coast

Pros to Moving:..............Cons to Moving:
People will come.............My family is still here
I get to meet new people.....My friends are still here
The beach is 30 min away.....The mountains are 30 min away
Coopers River Bridge.........Knoxville Greenways
Low Country Cooking..........Pete's Coffee Shop
Publix.......................Market Square
No matter where I am though one thing stays constant: God is everywhere. Amen! So as I begin this new adventure I hope to blog more so that those I am leaving behind can experience Low Country Living with me.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Because I Said So
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Time Travel Tuesday - Yesterday
Monday, September 03, 2007
Memory Monday - High School Spirit
1. Who was your best friend? Connie...and she is still one of my best friends
2.Did you play any sports? Nope, but I think I attended at least one of every activity as a fan, even cross-country (I lived one mile from the park that held the course... am I not the best friend an athlete could have!
3. What kind of car did you drive? Honda Accord then a Dodge Neon
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you? Either a football/basketball game or with my parents
5. Were you a party animal? No. I need sleep.
6. Were you considered a flirt? It would depend on who you asked
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir? Choir senior year
8. Were you a nerd? If I would have tried harder, I suppose I could have been
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled? Nope.
10. Can you sing the fight song? I don't know if we had one
11. Who was your favorite teacher? Kathleen Terry
12. What was your school mascot? Trojan
13. Did you go to the Prom? Junior only
14. If you could go back, would you? There is not enough money in the world to make me go back
15. What do you remember most about graduation? I sat next to my friend Justin, and he made up his own words to the Frank Sinatra songs the band played
16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day? At school
17. Did you have a job your senior year? I worked at a pharmacy
18. Where did you go most often for lunch? The cafeteria...we weren't allowed anywhere else
19. Have you gained weight since then? Too much...but I would never want to be that skinny again.
20. What did you do after graduation? Went to Project Graduation then left at 8 the next morning for MissionFuge
21. What year did you graduate? 1997
22. Who was your Senior Prom Date? Didn't go...Mom & Dad took me out to eat and then shopping. Then I hit the after prom breakfast at my friend Emily's house. My WHOLE youth group was there
23. Are you going/did you go to your 10 year reunion? Nope.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Could Be in the Record Books

In this picture, my actual seat is direction north of the "M" in Million.
More to come on this exciting weekend. Oh and I bought a digital camera so expect more pictures on my blog. :-)
Friday, August 10, 2007
It's Finally Friday
Sunday provided a nice blessing of a steak lunch at my best friend A's house. I have adopted her family as my place to eat for Sunday lunch. Her sister had found steaks on sale that week so I was blessed with an a amazing lunch (including some DEE-LI-CIOUS hash brown casserole.) The remainder of the day proved not to be as restful as I had hoped because I had to go granny-sit. My mom had to take my Papaw and two great-aunts to the funeral home so I got to granny-sit. Lucky for me she was in a really good mood that day. And I got to see Cousin J's pictures from Austria. So it was a nice day of family, friends, and food. A girl can't complain!
Monday I went with my boss and her three kids to Dollywood's Splash Country. I was just expecting to stay with the youngest in the kiddie area most of the day. However, as he and I roamed the park (because it would be too much to ask that they keep all kiddie things in one area) we discovered he isn't so little anymore. He's actually tall enough to go down some of the slides. So, life jacket in hand, off we went. Raging River Rapids is his choice of rides. The lines moved at a pretty good rate and the closer we got the more excited he got. Now, not having any children of my own I never dreamed I would be so nervous. I mean, what if we get to the top, get on the float, and he hates it. I would have single-handedly felt responsible for hit life-long hatred of water slides. Well, we got in the raft with a lovely mother and her daughter who were in line behind us....and down we went. I watched him like a hawk as he sat expressionless in the float. My mind is going a million miles an hour. "He's hating it." "He hate me." "He is going to have a phobia of all things water related." And the ride ends. He is still expressionless. "I'm going to have to carry him out of this pool kicking and screaming. Then find his mother and explain to her what I have done to her son. He's still emotionless. I have never seen such a blank look on someones face. The screaming is about to start. I just know it. We get out of the raft and are heading up the stairs. HIS FACE LIGHTS UP!!!! "I want to do it again...let's do it again!!!!!!" YEAH! I didn't scar him for life. Thank you Lord! It turns out his mom, sis, and bro saw us in line so they watched part of the ride down. The rest of the day we stayed together and rode more rides like this. It was such a privilege to be with him when he experienced his first water slide. Yet, I do believe I lost 3-4 years off of my life in the process!
There were some tennis games this week and I got to play Wii with some good friends on Tuesday night. The rest of the week has been pretty low-key (thankfully!) Tonight I'm off to see the Bourne Ultimatum. I'll blog on this next week. Have a great weekend and give your family lots of hugs!!!!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
It's Official

Friday, August 03, 2007
The Evolution of Sports...Or Something Like That
Heading to Hotlanta
Recent happenings:
1) Dad turned the big 59 last weekend. That means next year he hits the big 60 followed by me hitting the big 30. I'm ok with that. My friend asked me recently how old I think is too old to have children. I told her 29. ;-) However, my dad is the coolest. I can't thank him enough for all he does for me and my sister. I'm the luckiest girl in the world Thanks, Dad. I love you!
2) I bought a Nintendo Wii. Normally I do not get into video games, but the guys at work talk about how much fun this is so I now own one. It is a great group activity and actually gets you up and moving so I consider it cardio. Win-win for sure! Uncle J also bought one for the pre-teens at church. I'm going back to the 5th grade so I can hang out with them!
3) Transformers rocks. If you haven't seen it, you need to. This is a movie theater movie for sure. I'm talking full price movie theater movie. You need to see it in all of its high-def, surround sound wonder.
4) I got to hang out with some of my friends this week who work in our college department. Rebecca, Meggan, and O'B...thanks for letting me hang with you!
5) I am still avoiding the Harry Potter madness. Not a movie seen nor a book read. And I plan on continuing this trend. Sorry AB, I'm not coming over to the dark side.
6) Work is still work. I still have a job which is good. I appreciate Dilbert more than I ever have in my life at this point though. I'm convinced that Scott Adams has a mole in every large corporation in America though.
Well, I guess that's enough. Maybe if I blogged more often then I wouldn't have such long posts.
Friday, July 27, 2007
A Year Ago As If It Were Today

Friday, July 20, 2007
We Need Rain
1. The Baptists have started sprinkling.
2. the Methodists are using a wet wash cloth.
3. the Presbyterians are giving rain checks and,
4. the Catholics are trying to turn wine back into water.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Wonderful Summertime
To Mom and Dad...thanks for the garden, thanks for the memories, and thank you God for Summertime (and blessing me with the aforementioned.) I LOVE YOU ALL!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My Car Has Been Revived
Oh, and as a side note, I have accepted a 1 month extension with my current employer. Gives me more time to look and enjoy the current "party" as AB would say. Plus I can decide next month if I want to stay until October 2. But that's the end of the road. It's been a long journey, full of wonderful people. The people definitely made the job worth it. I'll miss them all.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Bad Car, Really Bad Car
Tara, Please Call Your Friend
So, Tara, if you are out there...please call your friend. She misses you.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
100,000 Miles and A New Vacuum
I finally bit the bullet this week and bought a Dyson vacuum. I admit, it was a LOT of money to spend, but so far I am very impressed. It is amazing the amount of dog hair it has picked up off my carpet which I know my old model would not have gotten. And the best part? It doesn't stink. My last vacuum emitted the worst smell when you vacuumed and I always thought the air smelled dusty when I was finished. Not now. So, while it is a lot of money I would recommend it if you are in the market for a new vacuum.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
1) Baby A appears to be doing well. She was back in the hospital last week for a few days, but is home now and doing better. I got to spend some time a couple of different days while she was down here just holding her and loving on her to give her sweet mother a break. Please continue to lift this family up in your prayers as they are going through a lot right now. I am so thankful that God is building up a friendship between her mother and I because I have had such an appreciation for her mother since she helped me dig my retainers out of the dumpster when I was in 6th grade.
2) Friend A is home from the mission field for a few days. She has been serving our Lord in Southeastern Kentucky through Big Creek Missions for most of this month. To hear her stories of salvations and doors that God opened during this trip was amazing. It is such a privilege to call her my friend.
3) I have another friend A who is serving in the Peace Corp in Cambodia. She has become infected with Dengue fever and is on bed rest for the next 2-3 weeks. There is no medication for this, but prayerfully, since they caught it early, she will be able to beat it. Please lift her and her family up in prayers. She is literally half a world away, and since I have no kids of my own, I can only try to fathom what her family is going through right now. On a lighter note regarding this friend, thanks to the internet, I was able to talk to her a couple of weeks ago using an instant messanger tool. Doesn't technology rock!?!?!?!
4) I've realized there are too many A's in my life. Baby A, 3 or 4 friend A's. I'm going to have to come up with a naming convention. Hmmm...suggestions anyone. (For those who know friend A in Cambodia, I'm considering referring to her as Spring. The rest of them, I have no clue.)
5) Cousin J made it home from Austria. Thanks to the weather she got to add a stop at the Tri-cities airport to her list of airports landed at on her way home, but she finally got to Knoxville late last Sunday night.... minus one suitcase. However, it too made it home the following day and was delivered to her door by the nice airport people. It was so exciting to watch her take this journey this Summer. Over and over I kept thinking how proud her daddy would have been to see her do this. I know he is looking down and smiling up his brave little girl.
She is now in Chicago and should have watched the Cubs beat the Brewers last night. I'm glad the Cubs won because she has loved them her whole life.
6) I'm still praying about my job situation. The company has given me the option of extending my last day by 2 months. This is STRESSING ME OUT! I don't care that they have let me go (in fact, I firmly believe that was God slamming a door shut because I wouldn't walk away on my own) but to make me choose my last date...this is worse than the first. Oh well. I have 1 1/2 weeks to make a decision.
7) Paul still hasn't posted.... but he did put a hilarious comic strip on his Facebook page. See it here:
Well, I've told you enough about me (and my friends and family) for this week. May you all have a very blessed weekend!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
From the Mouth of Babes
1) She asked my mom what the dinosaurs looked like while they were alive. Apparently she thinks my mom is old enough to have seen them.
2) She also believes that she, myself, and my aunt (that would be 3 generations) are sisters. Not sure where that came from, but I thought it was funny.
Don't you wish you could see the world through a child's eyes. That's all God asks us. To have the faith of children. Doodlebug believes my mom saw the dinosaurs and that she can be sisters with someone twice her mother's age. But so often we try to make our faith so much more complex. Yet, the very center of it, is childlike belief. Yes, we have to grow in our faith and become stronger Christians and more Christ-like as we continue our walk with Him, yet the core of everything we believe comes from having that awe-inspiring child-like ability to look at Him and see Him for the glorious Prince of Peace that He is.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This, That, and The Other
- A happy A has gone home. She started eating and all of the other things babies do so she is at home and doing well. Praise the Lord! He is so good to all of us, yet we neglect Him so often.
- Mom, Dad, Doodlebug, Macy, Dece, Murphy, and I all went camping last weekend. There was lots of excitement including watching a squirrel eat a walnut. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it was fun. Anytime you have 4 people and 3 dogs in a camper there is always adventure.
- 30 working days left in my current job...
- I have officially begun the "hard-core" search for a job. I am praying for direction as to where I will be. Will it be Knoxville or Timbuktu...who knows. Sometimes Timbuktu seems appealing.
- Doodlebug is coming to spend the night with me tomorrow and we will be swimming with A and her nephew on Friday. The kids are really looking forward to are A and I. It means we get to spend time together before she heads back to the mission field.
I'm going to try to do better at posting. Paul keeps saying he's going to start posting again, but I'm still waiting... I guess he'll do better once he gets his car unlocked.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Beautiful Picture
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Today is A's Day

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Remembering Gus
Mercy Me - Homesick
You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times
And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you
I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now
Help me Lord cause I don't understand your ways
The reason why I wonder if I'll ever know
But, even if you showed me, the hurt would be the same
Cause I'm still here so far away from home
I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now
In Christ, there are no goodbye
And in Christ, there is no end
So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have
To see you again
To see you again
And I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now
Monday, May 21, 2007
Update on Baby A
The Random Events of My So-Call Life
Cousin J left for her summer of study across the pond. She will be in Austria until mid-June studying music history and the history of Austria. I am so excited for her as she takes this journey. She will be creating memories that will never leave her.
I was able to spend this weekend at home with good friends and family. My bff from high school and I had a yard sale on Saturday. I never make a ton of money because I don't have good junk, but the time she and I get to spend together is priceless. She is having baby #2 this summer and so we won't be able to do much more together for a few months as she adjusts to have 2 little ones to care for. Her oldest, a daughter, is becoming one of my favorite little ones. She has such a sweet smile and is at the state of life where she will repeat anything you say. She has also taken to calling her dad "honey" which is the cutest thing I've ever seen. After the yard sale I went to Mom and Dad's to spend the night. They replaced their cedar shake roof with a red tin roof. It looks awesome! I can't wait to go home and spend the night sleeping under the tin when there is a nice steady rain. Or sitting on the front porch swing as it rains. I'll have to take a nap in that swing for sure! The doodlebug came up and we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows on Sat night then she came back up on Sunday after church to help us gather the cedar shakes and tie them into bundles for kindling. She wasn't allowed near the piles for fear she would step on a nail, so we had to put nails and certain boards where she could pick them up and contribute. It is always such a pleasure to be around her. Dad and I keep picking her up and carrying her around even though her mom and nana say not to because she can walk, but we will only be able to hold her for a few more years and so we are taking advantage of it while we can. She is really loving, and gives the best hugs. I can't imagine our lives without her.
Well, this week is the season finale of LOST so they better make it good. I'm leaving this weekend for a short trip to Charleston. It will be a lot of driving, but worth the two days away from home. It's always nice to get away for a few days and just renew yourself. Be praying for safety as we drive down on Saturday and home on Tuesday.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Statistically Inaccurate?
Mark 10:6-9
"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female'. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; And the two will become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
The End Is In Sight

Monday, May 07, 2007
Baby Update
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Update on Andee
Pray for Andee
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The Best Things In Life Are Free
2) Blue Bell Icecream
Blue Bell ice cream is doing an ice cream tour celebrating their 100 years of being an ice cream company. Today they stopped on Market Square and gave away free samples of their vanilla ice cream. Nothing is better on a hot Spring day than FREE ice cream!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Where's Carrie?
Update on 2007 Goals.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Some Light-Hearted Fun
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Your Two Cents Please

Thursday, March 08, 2007
I Am Encouraged
2. I want to highlight a blog I stalk. This person knows I stalk their blog, in fact, I posted my first comment on it last night. At church there is an awesome ministry for 5th and 6th graders led by an awesome couple J and L. I have been reading both of their blogs for over a year, but have recently just introduced myself to them. I got to spend some time talking to J at Disciple Now this past weekend and thanked him for what he is teaching on in the 5th and 6th grade department now. They are learning manners! Hallelujah. Now, don't think J is neglecting teaching them the Bible as he does that with a passion like I haven't seen in a long time. But he is also teaching them how to be respectable citizens. So the guys are learning how to be gentlemen. The coolest thing is J is telling everyone so that when someone sees a 5th or 6th grade guy following the rules, they can tell J and the guy will be inducted into the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and they get the coolest t-shirt. Last night my friend R and I attended the first induction ceremony. It was awesome! Now, don't think the girls are excluded. This spring L is going to teach them how to dress modestly. I am so encouraged by these two people God is using to touch the lives of the next generation. You can read more about them at their blogs Live Out Loud and New Day, New Mercies.
Monday, March 05, 2007
1) You must be a Christian (saved through Christ's grace and have followed in Baptism)
2) You must be involved in a small group
3) You must serve somewhere within the church.
4) You must tithe.
In a discussion with my roommate this morning, it became apparent to me that some of these items (2-4) offended some members of my church. How do you feel about these? Should church members be required to do these things? There is a Biblical basis for them so should it be optional? The church that requires these runs about 1,600 each week with approximately 800 members. That means they have 50% of the people doing the work. Don't most churches have 10% doing the work? Let me know your thoughts.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
It Is Well, With My Soul

attendeth my way,
Monday, February 19, 2007
His Eye Is On The Sparrow...

Saturday, February 10, 2007
What A Month!
1) God is so good. I was dreading working with our outsourcing firm in cross-training my job replacement, but it has become the highlight of my day. I am working with 3 men from India, one from Sri Lanka, and one from Argentina. 2 of the 5 will actually be staying in Knoxville and have lived in the states for several years. The remainder will eventually all be stationed in Buenos Aires and I wish them the best.
2) I do not like the layout of the new I am not big on change, and that is one change I could do without.
3) I found the missing timeline page from the adventure J and I shared in Brevard last Summer. I will share it with you later this week.
4) Gracie has decided I am her second favorite person on the planet now so she calls a couple of times a week to see when she can come visit or I can come stay with her. Lucky for her, tonight's the night! It is so fun to watch her grow into a beautiful little girl.
5) Another friend got engaged yesterday. What does this make, 10 now? I'm not even sure. Next summer is going to be packed with weddings. I hope they aren't expecting expensive gifts.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Friday, January 26, 2007
A Crazy Week
I guess the funny spot of the week is I worked a popcorn stand for the Cheetah Girls concert on Tuesday night. I have never seen so much cheetah print in all of my life. And some of these little girls were very decked out. Even some moms! I would not be a cool mom when it comes to these things. I think it is because my mom never did these things with us and I think we turned out normal (of course, what is normal.) We'll see which is better: the Cheetah Girls or the Monster Truck show I have to work at tomorrow night. Hmmm....
I have been blessed by getting to spend time with good friends this week. H and I hung out Monday night and worked on our various cross-stitch projects. J and I had our monthly "date" night last night. We went to Mimi's Cafe. The food was really good, but I would have to say the service was lacking. We had an appetizer of zucchini sticks and then we both had different pasta dishes for our main course. I had jumbo spinich tortellini in an asiago cheese sauce. Very tasty. Tonight I will be going with my friends A & E (isn't that cool) to Regas. It has ranked high on mine and J's list of good restaurants in this city. Definitely leans toward "pinky up", but good just the same. And not unreasonable priced.
So, until I come up with more random thoughts for you, TTFN.
Friday, January 19, 2007
It Doesn't Get Easier
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Children Need You!

On Sunday, January 28, Children's Hospital will do their annual Children's Miracle Network Telethon. I hope that you will pray about making a donation to this hospital. They did so much for my family and others. In fact, it was the night of last year's telethon that I met Gus's sweet family. Both Gus and Emma got TV time that day! And while Gus and Emma are now healed in heaven, it is because it was God's choice to take them home, not a lack of care on the hospitals part. Children's saw my cousin through a serious infection when he was in primary school. He's now a healthy (though very skinny!) 22 year-old college freshman. My dear friend, A's, nephew also spends time there receiving treatments for his CF. (I'll be writing more on him in an upcoming post.) It's very easy to make a donation, and through you all children who go there will receive the best and most up-to-date care. If you wish to donate, please click here or watch WBIR on Sunday afternoon/evening on January 28 for the phone number to call in and donate. And remember, most companies will match gifts over a certain amount!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Monday Night Football
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Some Random Thoughts
1) What a difference a year makes. When I think back to what I was doing a year ago, who my friends were, and where I thought life was headed, it's amazing to see where I really am. God is awesome! He is the constant I look to and am so thankful that no matter where I see things going, He always has the best plan for me.
2) If you see my friend Craig around, ask him about the cat and the vacuum cleaner. Best story ever!
3) My friend Erin just moved into a new home. She had a few of us over for a potluck on Saturday night. It's so nice to get to spend time with friends.
4) My friend J's mom and dad were in town this weekend so I got to sit with them at church. I miss them dearly and wish we got to spend more time together. I think I need to take a trip to Brevard and surprise them sometime. :-)
5) My cousin, J, and I bonded over earrings this weekend. I had the second hole in my ear repiereced and she got a second hole. You haven't really shared anything as a family until you have been pierced together.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
In Remembrance
Please also say a prayer for the Doriot family as they are experiencing a trying holiday season and January. Their sweet little Gus would have been 2 in a couple of weeks. They have been such an encouragement to our family all the while working through their own grief. You can read more about Gus at the Gus's Gang Link on the right.