The random thoughts, rants, raves, passions and general nonsense of one thirty-something single gal living and working and worshipping in the low-country of South Carolina.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Baking
1. Chex Mix -- I may or may not have already made 4 batches of this in the past two weeks. I like mine a little spicy so I've experimented with using both Tobasco sauce and Sriracha sauce as additive to give it a nice kick. The Tobasco gives it a barely there heat while the Sriracha sauce definitely had a lingering bite. I must admit I was a fan of both. My granny made the best Chex Mix ever. Don't even try to tell me so-and-so makes better Chex Mix because you are wrong. The end.
2. Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chunk Cookies - I saw these on Bakerella's website a couple of years ago and they are so good. With or without the frosting. Even those who say they don't like pumpkin love these as they don't have an overwhelming pumpkin flavor.
3. Holiday Pretzel Treats - Easy, peasy, one, two, threesy. A cool alternative is to use Rolos and pecan halves. Then it tastes like a Turtle.
4. White chocolate covered Nutter Butters. These need to explanation as they are amazing on their own.
5. The basics - Chocolate Chip Cookies, Sugar Cookies, etc.
6. One of these days I might get brave and even try these: Decorated Christmas Cookies
Do you have any holiday baking traditions? What is a must have for you to feel like it is Christmas?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
- My 3 readers who missed me enough to remind me it had been almost a month since I blogged.
- My family. They are crazy, but the more I hear about other people's families, the more thankful I am that mine is a normal kind of crazy.
- My friends. Old and new. The old ones keep me grounded, the new ones are a journey.
- My best friends. You know who you are. And you know why you fit in this category. We may not have everything in common or be in the same stages of life, but God saw it fit for us to to do life together, and I'm thankful for you.
- Netflix and Wii. I know this is superficial, but being able to watch TV shows without commercial streaming over the internet into my TV keeps me sane during the long days working from home.
- My health. I do not take it for granted that I am healthy. I can get up each morning, care for myself, travel, visit, and care for others. I am not constrained to a bed or a chair and for that I am thankful.
- My church family. Church is not defined by 4 walls, stained glass windows, and a pulpit. Church is defined by the community of people who come together to share in the blessings and reach out to those around them. I am blessed beyond measure to be a part of a community that is doing big things for His kingdom.
- My job. It may not be glamorous (or even long term) but in a time when the economy is struggling I am thankful to be employed.
- My past. It may not be pretty, but it's what has shaped who I am today. I have made many mistakes, but each one of them was a growing experience and I have learned so much from each one. I am thankful for the challenges I have faced and the hills I've had to climb.
- My faith. This is not last because it is least important, but last because it is most important. God is good, all the time. And while we may not see it always, His hand is in everything and He is orchestrating every minute of our lives. I am thankful that I know He will always be there for me. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's a guarantee.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A Letter to October
I used to love you. You provided me with my favorite niece Doodlebug and favorite cousin Jennifer. Let's not forget great friend Autumn either.
It used to be that I could count on you for cooler temperatures. Yesterday, the heat index was 88. Today the heat index is 88. October, this is just wrong. I need low 70s. I need 0% humidity. You see, October, you are the month that begins allowing me to wear my hair straight. Today, the humidity is 69%. This is not cool.
I have looked at the 10 day forecast and apparently you are going to play the tease and have a high of 69 on Friday. But Sunday, the last day of your month? 77. Ridiculous.
So, October I want you to think long and hard on what a huge responsibility you carry each Fall. And I want you to think about how you have failed me this year. And next year, well next year I'm anticipating you being on much better behavior.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
So, I'm just wondering, are we ever content. If our live stop at a certain point in any of these steps and never progress to the next one are we going to be content? Because it seems like we're always wanting more. My new prayer for myself is for God to make me content in my situation. To make me not be so focused on the fact I can't make it to the next step that I don't enjoy where I am and the blessings that my stage in life have to offer me. It doesn't mean I don't want the next step, but I don't want the desire of the next step to define who I am.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Good, The Bad, and the Sad
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Sleep Less in Seattle
Thursday - The Fair. We spent an entire day at The Fair. Seattle greeted me with its finest misty rain. I suppose I had to be indoctrinated into life must go on in the drizzly rain. We saw art work, chainsaw carving, fresh baked goodies, and lots of animals. This little goat was my favorite. He went all in for his food!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bucket List - Updates
2. Shuttle Launch - Scheduled. So, my good friend Adam hit the jackpot of both the ability to buy shuttle launch tickets and he gets to go to the TweetUp. I know he will enjoy that so much more than I would so I could not be happier for him. Especially since I get one of the launch tickets he isn't using. And he'll take great pictures and so I'll get to benefit from seeing them because I am not so good at taking pictures and so I'll get to enjoy his.
3. Season tickets to Broadway shows. So, More Lucy is totally to blame for me splurging and buying season tickets to the Broadway season here in the Low Country. I think she peer pressured me so she'd get some nights out. Hmm... but anywho, the tickets came and we have plans to see the first show shortly after the Shuttle Launch. Looking forward to a girls night out with one of my favorite bloggers whom I also know in real life.
2010 is proving to be a very good year for my bucket list. Here's the the good times that have been had and the good times I am looking forward to.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Another Goodbye
Monday, August 30, 2010
A To Do List
Downstairs Bathroom
- Touchup paint
- Hang picture
Order wall cabinet- complete 09/06/2010- Hang towel rack
Finish painting "test wall" to ensure I like the color09/19/2010- Reorganize cabinets to make items needed regularly more accessible
- Get everything out that does not belong
- Measure pictures for wall and send measurement to mom so she can get picture made of Dad and Doodlebug
- Take leaf out of table and store upstairs
- Get carpet and couches cleaned
- Rearrange furniture
- Fix curtain
- Put away items that don't belong
- Put away items that don't belong
Decide if I want new mattress or get rid of queen bed(moved queen bed to guest room 10/09)Clean out closet; get rid of clothes I have not worn since I moved to the low country(10/09)- Move TV into other room
- Find someone to haul away old mattress
- Finish painting
- Decide if I want to put a bed in there or make it an office/work-out room
- Move TV stand from other guest bedroom into this room
Decide if I want to move that bed into my bedroom(moved 10/09)Decide if I want to just put daybed in there and only have one guest bedroom (after all there are two couches)(Decided to put queen bed in there and moved double bed to my room 10/09)
- Test paint color on wall
- Hang towel rod
- Hang shower curtain rod
- Mow
- Weedeat
- Pull weeds
- Take old lounge chair to dump
- Mulch
- Budget
Resume- complete for the purpose it was needed
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saying No to Starting Over
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I Say Goodbye, You Say Hello
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Hodge Podge
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Random List
- I love throwing surprise parties.
- I hate being the recipient of any type of surprise. This includes gifts I have not personally picked out and sold to you to give me or explicitely described and approved for purchase. I also do not like to be the recipient of surprise parties.
- I love cupcakes.
- I hate lima beans, pinto beans, and collard greens.
- I love to travel, so I fly because I have to, not because I think it's exciting.
- I would love to take a month-long road trip and see as many random road-side attractions as I can.
- I would also love to just go stay in a cabin in the mountains or on a lake for a month.
- I love trying new foods, but 95% of what I cook is certifiable Southern: it's either fried or in casserole form
- I have always wanted someone to pick me up at the airport with flowers.
- I need me time. That means every so often I just want to stay home for 48 hours straight.
- I like the idea of going to grand events, but I much prefer small gatherings.
- I love playing games and I am fiercely competitive.
- Cooking dinner and working on a puzzle is a perfect evening in my book.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -- Jeremiah 29:11
Sunday, August 08, 2010
And If You Haven't Had Enough
For day #2 I suggest a carriage ride. And I suggest going with the Old South Carriage Co. I have done two tours now and this one was much more professional than the first. It takes about an hour and gives a good overview of one of three areas in downtown Charleston. It's always fun to learn something new and this is a great way to see a good bit of the downtown without having to walk it all.
If you're wanting some more history then a visit to the H.L. Hunley is in order. Lost for over 100 years, the first submarine to ever sink an enemy ship in battle was found off the coast of Charleston. A recovery project to restore the ship and learn more about it is just a few minutes drive from my home. To see and learn how this small vessel was able to tackle such an incredible task is very interesting if you're into history and random facts. And you know I'm all about the random facts.
The second day of your trip can also include some time for relaxing on the beach. The coastline at Isle of Palms always offers the relaxing sound of waves and walks along the water include views of some gorgeous homes.
Dining Options:
Breakfast - Charleston's Cafe
Lunch - One of the options you didn't eat the day before
Supper -- Coast Bar & Grill if you're feeling like seafood, Basil if you'd like something spicy
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Sometimes Life Takes Us Full Circle
But I know that in a few months I'll also say goodbye and walk away knowing it's what I have to do.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Let's Talk Bucket List
1. Visit all 50 states (airport layovers count)
2. Visit all 7 continents
3. Spend a week at a cabin by a lake
4. Take a transatlantic cruise
5. Watch the sun rise on the East Coast
6. Watch the sun set on the West Coast
7. Spend a week with my dad in the mountains
8. Sponsor a child on each of the 6 inhabiteted continents
9. Spend the night in a lighthouse
10. Watch the Boston Pops live on the 4th of July
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Highs and Lows of Late July
It's been four years since she left us.
My dad will be 62 tomorrow. He's now twice as old as me. And simply amazing. I love my daddy.
My uncle has been gone two years tomorrow.
The S.S. Scotts celebrate four years of marriage on Thursday. Love you guys! Thanks for letting me be a part of your big day and so many days since then.
LoveGave -- Go. Donate. I'll be standing outside W@l-M@rt Friday and Saturday. If you're in the low-country head over, say high, and buy some crayons! If you're not in the low country and have already donated THANK YOU! If you still want to donate, please do and THANK YOU!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
An Itinerary
Breakfast -- Hominy Grill -- There are several great places to grab the 1st meal of the day, but I find this place has the best bacon. And really, breakfast is all about the bacon.
Aiken-Rhett House -- This is my favorite of the historic homes. You get an MP3 to guide you through the house and yard which allows you to tour the home at your own pace. It's my favorite of the historic homes I've been able to visit in person thus far.
Follow this up with a drive down to The Battery and then a walk through some more of the historic district using the amazing walking tour book my auntie Susie gave to me.
Lunch -- The options are unlimited. There's Waters Edge if you're feeling like seafood, Jack's Cosmic Dogs if you're feeling like picnic food, Taco Boy if you're feeling like tacos, Sesame if you're feeling like a burger and sweet potato fries, etc. etc. etc.
Now here is where you'll have to make a decision. For the budget concious we'll head toward John's Island to see the Angel Oak . Trust me, this will not make you want to come back to Charleston, but it is the oldest tree East of the Mississippi. The trip will continue on down to Folly Beach where you can witness first hand the devestation that was Hurricane Hugo. With a section of the island completely washed away, you can now walk to the edge of the surf and see the Morris Island Lighthouse as it sits in the middle of the waterway.
For those who want to spend a little more we'll head over to Boone Hall Plantation. From touring the house to walking through the gardens and learning about life on the plantation in the restored brick slave homes, this plantation is one of my favorites.
Supper -- Old Village Post House -- It's not in the heart of downtown, but it is one of my favorite places to dine.
Dessert -- Kaminsky's -- It's the ultimate dessert place. It may not have creme brule (Anson's has the best), but the offerings are amazing. You can get it to go, walk down a few blocks, and walk along the waterfront as you eat it. Hopefully one of the swings will be empty and you can get a nice breeze of the water and enjoy a perfect end to a great day in the Holy City.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Movie Quotes I Love
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Sountrack of My Summer
- Matt Nathanson - Some Mad Hope
- Train - Save Me San Francisco
- Need To Breathe - The Outsiders (Seriously, they have a song "Girl Named Tennessee". What's not to love?)
What is the soundtrack of your Summer?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My New Family
Now for the new members of my family.
Mike, Whitney, and the boys -- You can meet them here. They are the leaders of my community group. And we also went to the same college. While Mike and Whitney met and fell in love, I didn't know either of them. Whitney and I knew some mutual friends and Mike and I made to sure take every class in the College of Business. But alas, 8 years after we graduated our paths crossed and I love these two dearly. It's great to have people in our present who can also understand part of our past. Mike and I share some similar sentiments of our time at TTU so we can relate on what warped us during those college years. Whitney is a bookworm so it's always fun to share books and discuss what we read. Top if all of with a shared love of Christ and it's win/win. Plus they are about to have a baby (any. day. now) and we all know how much I love babies!
Benji, Lauren, B and baby -- Lauren was the first person to really welcome me into River Church. She's the cutest thing you've ever seen. Really, I've never seen her look bad even when she was moving boxes into their (super-cute) new house. Benji played minor league baseball so it's like having a mini-celebrity in our midst every week. Just kidding, he's in no way conceited. It's awesome to get to talk to someone who got to live out a childhood dream of being in the leagues (even if it wasn't the big leagues.) They bring a real heart for their friends to grow closer in their faith and it's great to hear how God is moving in those relationships each week.
Stephen, Annette, and the kids -- I told you to read Annette's blog a few posts ago. Guys, I'm sorry, I should have said it was for the girls. It's true. It's really not guys reading material. I apologize. I never leave this couple's presence without truly seeing something so God-like and God-minded. I know they have no idea what impact they have made on me and words could not even begin to desribe it. I watch them constantly be obidient to God's calling even if it means wondering how the dollars will stretch the entire month, but knowing that they are where they are supposed to be and that's the ultimate goal. To be where we are supposed to be, no matter the circumstances. And the circumstances, they will show up. Just ask Stephen or Annette. They'll tell you.
And there are so many more. Danna and Corey, Candise, Zhenya, Todd and Lori, and more. To say I have been blessed is an understatement. This group of people has finally made the place I've lived for the past 2 1/2 years finally feel like it might be home to me.
Thought don't think I've forgotten you Tennessee...
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
We Are Family
- a group of persons of common ancestry
- a group of people united by certain convictions or common affiliation
I love my family as defined by #1. They have shaped so much of whom I am today. And I would do anything for any of them . But I think there is something to be said for the group who fall into #2. These people may not be related by blood or share a common DNA, but sometimes they shape us, the love us through the pretty and the ugly, and they leave footprints on our lives that will always be visible. So, I'd like to tell you about some of my family #2. The ones who've been there the past few years and have made an impact that will be long lasting.
S&S -- You can read about them here and here and here. And as much as I loved and respected the two of them then, the love and respect has only deepened over the years. I know that I can pick up the phone and call Shanle to tell her about my deepest secret, my happiest joys, and my random rants. We can talk about 200 things in the course of 5 minutes and know everything that was said. It's through her that I got my title "RandomCarrie" because I don't know that we've ever discussed one item for more than 3 minutes straight unless it was really important. They are my family.
J&A -- Jeremy and I have been friends for 3 years. He married Amy. Praise the Lord. She's perfect for him. Jeremy is like the brother I never had. We've vacationed together, we've watched chick flicks together, and we've watched Dumb & Dumber together. His idea, not mine. He was my wedding date when one was needed and last Summer I had the pleasure of watching him marry his perfect mate. We don't get together as much as possible, but when we do, it's great. My heart is currently breaking for Jeremy as his father passed away unexpectedly today. But I think that's part of being family. We hurt for each other.
A -- I've told you about Arynda before. Many, many times but this one is my favorite. We may not get to talk as much as we used to, but her faithfulness to the calling of serving others always sticks with me. And when I had to pick up and move 5.5 hours away, she immediately said she would go with me to move so I didn't have to go by myself. Her gift of service in such a selfless manner is still an inspiration to me. Now, if I could just get her to learn the word "No"... She is my sister.
A2 -- I don't know if I've told you much about Autumn. Our friendship was cemented through Gmail chat. She served two years in the Peace Corp in Cambodia. And I served 6 months of extreme lonliness here in the Low Country. And God let us cry on each others shoulders, laugh at each other antics, and develop a friendship that 10 years ago would not have existed, but PTL for technology it does. She's that special someone whom I know I can count on for keeping it real. And for telling me in plain English what is going on in the political world both domestic and international. A future CJ Cregg.
Tomorrow I am going to introduce you to the newest members of my family. These are people whom I didn't even know 7 months ago and I have now vowed to love through thick and thin, pretty and ugly, no matter what we may go through.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Monday Musings
- I had 5 cubic yards of mulch delivered on Friday. As of tonight there are still 5 cubic yards of mulch piled on my parking pad. Tomorrow that pile will hopefully shrink by at least .5 cubic yards.
- I hate weeds. Seriously, they are a thorn in my side. Thankfully I have not encountered any with thorns so that is not a literal thorn in my side.
- There are bats in my attic. They will not leave. I'm becoming anti-bat because they are doing nothing to help the mosquito population.
- I have mosquito bites. So many I have lost count. Including one I got between my pointer and middle fingers walking to my car the other day. I hate mosquitoes.
- My pastor's oldest daughter M completely made my day the other day when she ran up to me at Wal-Mart, made me pick her up, then had to hug me and talk to me the whole way out the store. Love that kid. She also wanted to come home with me last night, but she doesn't want to live with me. She's going to give me her little sister N though.
- I love all my kids at church. Seriously. Every single, stinking one of them. And some of them, well they wear diapers and they stink. Literally. But PTL for Huggies and wetwipes. They can redeem their cute, snuggliness.
- I have booked a trip here for later this year:
- I am on vacation tomorrow. Guess what that means? Yep, I have to log on and check some jobs for work to make sure people do their jobs. But I refused to do so today because it's a holiday. I checked my email for critical items and that is all. Go me.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Thursday Thoughts
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Life Lessons
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Dear Emily Post, I Apologize for Technology
Sunday, June 27, 2010
You Won't Catch Me
Friday, June 18, 2010
Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico
For several years, Lena worked on the support staff of a church, but in November of 2002, God changed things so that she could stay home and write full-time. It has been the desire of her heart for a long time. In Proverbs 37:4, it says, “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” She believes that this blessing is a result of her delighting herself in Him, and she praises Him for the opportunity.
She have been a professional writer with a free-lance writing and editing business since 1984. In that time, she has written curriculum for public schools, private schools, and three different denominations. For one company, I managed a writing team that produced a two-year American History course for at-risk students. One of her clients was a Christian comedian for whom she wrote several routines. An airline training company had her edit and design International business reports for them.
Her first novel was published by Heartsong Presents in 1992. Since then Lena Nelson Dooley has written more than 25 works of fiction and nonfiction.
Lena has been married to her husband James since 1964. Theirs was one of those love-at-first-sight relationships. They were married three months and three days after they met. He truly was God’s gift to her. They are absolute opposites, but that means that his strengths are her weaknesses, and her strengths are his weaknesses. Together they make a more perfect whole. She believe that is what God intends for all of us.
They have two daughters. Marilyn Van Zant is married to Roger, and they have a son named Timothy. Tim is now in Tennessee at Ft. Campbell. His son Sebastian is almost 2 years old. Jennifer Waldron is married to Eric, and they have three children—Austin, Marissa, and Amanda. James and Lena love to spend time with their family, and they are blessed that both families live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, so they see them often.
All that glitters is not gold. It’s 1890, and Golden, New Mexico, is a booming mining town where men far outnumber women. So when an old wealthy miner named Philip Smith finds himself in need of a nursemaid, he places an ad for a mail-order bride—despite the protests of his friend Jeremiah.
Hoping to escape a perilous situation back East, young Madeleine Mercer answers the ad and arrives in town under a cloud of suspicion. But just as she begins to win over Philip—and Jeremiah himself—the secrets she left behind threaten to follow her to Golden...and tarnish her character beyond redemption.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Love Finds You In Golden, New Mexico, go HERE.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Tailor-Made Bride
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
A Hopeful Heart
Dowryless and desperate, Tressa Neill applies to the inaugural class of Wyatt Herdsman School in Barnett, Kansas, in 1888. The school's one-of-a-kind program teaches young women from the East the skills needed to become a rancher--or the wife of one.
Shy and small for her twenty-two years, Tressa is convinced she'll never have what it takes to survive Hattie Wyatt's hands-on instruction in skills such as milking a cow, branding a calf, riding a horse, and cooking up a mess of grub for hungry ranch hands. But what other options does she have?
Abel Samms wants nothing to do with the group of potential brides his neighbor brought to town. He was smitten with an eastern girl once--and he got his heart broken. But there's something about quiet Tressa and her bumbling ways that makes him take notice.
When Tressa's life is endangered, will Abel risk his own life--and his heart--to help this eastern girl?
If you would like to read the first chapter of A Hopeful Heart, go HERE
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 03, 2010
The Post Where I Finally Tell You About My Trip, Part 1
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Things I'm Enjoying Right Now
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
If I Had Two Middle Names, Procrastination Would Be One Of Them
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Oh Beautiful Day
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What's Your Comfort Food?

You know, I don't know that I can give a 100%-of-the-time-this-will-make-me-happy answer to this questions, but I can tell you what is just a simple pleasure for me. There is just something about the simplicity of it along with the silky smooth texture. When it comes to the pudding, I'm a straight up vanilla girl. However, if you can find the Jell-O Pudding Pops, I much prefer the chocolate/vanilla swirl.
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's Not Global Warming, It's El Nino