Thursday, August 17, 2006

Favorite Childhood Toy

A couple of blogs I read have recently named favorite childhood toys. Contrary to what my dad may think, my styrofoam boomerang was not my favorite. Hands down it was the Smurf big wheel. Man, that thing could fly. I don't know if it was because it wasn't weighted down by the baby seat like my sister's Cabbage Patch big wheel or if I just had super human strength in peddling the blue machine to insane speeds. Whatever it was, I just remember some of my happiest times on that big wheel. I remember when I wore holes through the wheels in the first one... my next big wheel had to be a Smurf. They only replacement for a Smurf big wheel was a Smurf big wheel.

What was your favorite childhood toy?

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I feel so neglected! I never had a big wheel...**sniff, sniff** You were soooo lucky!!