The random thoughts, rants, raves, passions and general nonsense of one thirty-something single gal living and working and worshipping in the low-country of South Carolina.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
If I Had Two Middle Names, Procrastination Would Be One Of Them
On Friday I am going on an adventure. For 15 days. So, guess how much I have packed. Yes, reader #3 (I think I have 3 now), that is correct. I have packed nothing. But never fear. I will be packed by Friday. I promise.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Oh Beautiful Day
Today has been one wonderful day! My friend Angela texted me early this morning to let me know that her husband was going to work so she'd be able to run errands with me. I knew I had to run errands today so having someone to go with me forced me to leave my house and get out. And it was beautiful! Having spent the past few days in the frozen land called the American mid-west, I was so excited to put flip flops on my feet. So we shopped and then ate at Gringos. It's no Chipotle, but it's definitely a nice step up from Moe's or Q'doba. After we finished up a few loose ends I dropped her off at home and checked Twitter for the first time all day. I saw that Annette and Danna were going to the park so I tagged along. Such fun. Annette has 3 of the cutest kids and it was so fun to see them in an environment outside of Sunday school. The middle one, C, is such a cuddle-bug on Sunday mornings. Oh, and I totally blame Annette for the fact that I stopped at McDonald's for a $1 sundae. With caramel of course. Once the kids got tired we all headed our separate ways. Such a great day though. Most of my stuff has been purchased for my next big adventure and I got to hang with some really cool people who are becoming a bigger part of my life here in the low country. Now it's off to do unfun things like laundry, but knowing I had such fun all day makes it all worth while.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What's Your Comfort Food?

You know, I don't know that I can give a 100%-of-the-time-this-will-make-me-happy answer to this questions, but I can tell you what is just a simple pleasure for me. There is just something about the simplicity of it along with the silky smooth texture. When it comes to the pudding, I'm a straight up vanilla girl. However, if you can find the Jell-O Pudding Pops, I much prefer the chocolate/vanilla swirl.
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's Not Global Warming, It's El Nino
A view of the snow from my upstairs balcony.

My neighbor's shed and the snow in their backyard.

My balcony and the street view.

I was considering saying "Why me?" but really, how cool (literally and figuratively) that I get to live in the low country during one of the freak times there is actually snow on the ground. Doodlebug, be prepared for me to always talk about that "winter we got snow in the low country." I can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow before it all melts by noon.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Some Housekeeping
1) I apologize for the nasty pop-up you get if you actually click on my blog to read it. I made my Twitter account private for a while. It will be back eventually, but for now please know that I needed something that was not out there for the world to see. I could just take that feature off, but then I'd have to go put it back on. So, until I decide what to do, please just "x" out of the annoying pop-up box and know that I love you even more for taking the time to do so to read my randomness.
2) I hope to finish up my dining room project tomorrow night. Well, finished up enough to take pictures and post the before and afters. I'm super pumped about how it is all coming together.
3) I am tired. The kind of tired that I think only a week in bed will cure. And by a week in bed, I mean a week in bed with no insomnia. I have no idea why I have insomnia, but I do. And I'm the kinda girl who needs 8 hours of solid sleep (at least) to function as a normal human. The fact that I have not lost it on anyone yet is nothing more than a miracle. That and I don't have the energy because I am so tired.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Desperately Seeking Cake
This is a real conversation that took place between my friend Tammy and I today. Tammy is engaged to be married to Scott. This is important to the story.
(Phone Rings)
RandomCarrie: Hello
Tammy: Hey, do you have plans for Sunday?
RC: Yes, laundry.
T: Will you be my valentine?
RC: Um, is Scott out of town?
T: No, but I don't think he will want to go to the bridal show with me.
And that my loyal reader, is how I, the consummate single person who is not a fan of Valentine's Day even when in a relationship, have ended up with plans to go to a bridal show on Black Sunday. (Note: it would be Black Monday if Valentine's Day was on a Monday, etc. and so forth.)
It's also important to note that Tammy called me back less than 5 minutes later. I answer the phone as follows:
Are you breaking up with me?
Nope. We're still going to the bridal show. I can only hope there will be some good cake to taste as I doubt I'll be receiving flowers and a box of chocolates.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
The Greatest Gift
Have you ever given someone something and it almost made you happier to be the giver than it made the recipient to receive it? And it's not that they weren't happy, but eventually the gift will wear out, or get lost, or possibly even end up in a yard sale or at Goodwill. But you know you gave them a gift. And you obtain more happiness from knowing you made their day than they possibly received over the life of the gift. Maybe it was the element of the surprise in them not expecting the gift. Maybe it was the thought you put into the gift and knowing how perfect it was for that one special person.
I wonder if God ever looks at us and feels that way. That He gave us the most perfect gift ever. And unfortunately as we go through life we do forget. It's not that it's a permanent kind of forgetting. Especially if we acknowledge Him as our Savior. But the forgetting that happens as we go about life. Maybe when we stump our toe or have to deal with that incredibly difficult person in our lives. But God doesn't forget. He remembers. And we remember we sit back and think "Wow, how blessed am I that He would give me the greatest gift of all. A gift that can never wear out, never break, and is impossible to return." And know that no matter how happy we are, He is immeasurably more pleased. He knew the perfect gift for us at the perfect time.
Monday, February 08, 2010
The Energizer Bunny, I Am Not
Recently I've had a social calendar that would rival that of a socialite. The problem is I am not a socialite. I'm a homebody. With every ounce of my being I would rather be in my own home or in the home I grew up in. I'd rather be surrounded by 2-3 close friends than a roomful of acquaintances. So do you know where all this socializing has landed me? Pure exhaustion. I feel like I've put myself out there so much lately that I don't know how much more I can give. This probably wouldn't be a problem except that between my job and wondering about the future of my job, I'm already shot from a mental perspective. So throw in physical exhaustion due to insomnia and you have one dead battery running this person.
So, do you know what I did (or should I say didn't) do: I didn't leave my house on Saturday. Not because of any real reason other than I was tired. Mentally, physically, emotionally tired. Now, should anyone read this who has spent any time with me in the past month, I don't regret a moment of it. But I did need to recharge. I needed to be able to sit on my couch, lie in my bed, and just be. I have so many decisions lying before me right now, yet I have been unable to really focus on them, on me, because I've been so busy being and doing so many other things. So, in the coming days I am going to take some time for me. Go to bed a little earlier. Try to get organized and stay organized. Enjoy what I have instead of worrying about what I have to do. And focus. Focus on the One who has it all under control. Focus on me. Focus on being the best version of me possible.
Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Friday, February 05, 2010
Never Say Never
Lisa lives in central Texas were she is a popular inspriational speaker, magazine columnist, and national bestselling author of several books. Her novel, Tending Roses, received dozens of five-star reviews, sold out thirteen printings for New York publisher, Penguin Putnam, and went on to become a national bestselling book. Tending Roses was a selection of the Readers Club of America, and is currently in its fourteenth printing.
The Tending Roses series continued with Good Hope Road, the Language of Sycamores, Drenched in Light, and A Thousand Voices. In 2003, Lisa's Texas Hill Country series began with Texas Cooking, and continued with Lone Star Cafe', which was awarded a gold metal by RT Bookclub magazine and was hailed by Publisher's Weekly as "A charmingly nostalgic treat." The series concluded with Over the Moon at the Big Lizard Diner.
Lisa is now working on a new set of small-town Texas novels for Bethany House Publishers. The series debuted with Talk of the Town and continued with Word Gets Around and Never Say Never. A new series is also underway for Peguin Group NAL, beginning with A Month of Summer (July 2008), and continuing with The Summer Kitchen (July 2009) and Beyond Summer (July 2010). Lisa's works have been featured by the National Reader's Club of America, AOL Book Pics, Doubleday Book Club, the Literary Guild, American Profiles and have been chosen for the LORIES best Published Fiction Award. In 2009, A Month of Summer was nomiated for the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year award.
Kai Miller floats through life like driftwood tossed by waves. She's never put down roots in any one place--and she doesn't plan to. But when a chaotic hurricane evacuation lands her in Daily, Texas, she begins to think twice about her wayfaring existence.
And when she meets hometown-boy Kemp Eldridge, she can almost picture settling down in Daily--until she discovers he may be promised to someone else. Daily has always been a place of refuge for those the winds blows in, but for Kai, it looks like it will be just another place to leave behind. Then again, Daily always has a few surprises in store--especially when Aunt Donetta has cooked up a scheme.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Never Say Never, go HERE
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

J. Mark Bertrand has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Houston. After one hurricane too many, he left Houston and relocated with his wife Laurie to the plains of South Dakota.
In the shadows of Charleston, someone is watching her... Rylee Monroe, a dogwalker in Charleston's wealthiest neighborhood, never feared the streets at night. But now a thief is terrorizing the area and worse, someone seems to be targeting her.
Reporter Logan Woods is covering the break-ins with the hope of publishing them as a true-crime book. The more he digs, the more he realizes this beguiling dogwalker seems to be at the center of everything. As danger draws ever closer, Logan must choose: Chase the girl, the story, or plunge into the shadows after the villain who threatens everything?
If you'd like to read the first chapter of Beguiled, go HERE
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