Thursday, October 29, 2009

Post #300 Brought to You by a Flight Delay in Atlanta

I would like to thank God for allowing it to snow in Denver and giving me an extra 2 hours aboard this wonderful airplane. I would also like to thank God for the 2 free seats next to me in which I was able to spread out and take a nap. Note: a nice gentleman just appeared who will be taking the aisle seat for the flight. Not a problem.
I would like to thank Krystal for putting in a kiosk restaurant near my gate so I could experience food that cannot be experienced in Charleston.

I would like to thank you, my 8 readers, who continue to come back for more ridculous posts on a semi-consistent basis.

I would like to thank the Delta flight attendants for being so nice through this whole delay, even giving me a flight update from their phone when I wondered if I had enough time to get off the plane for food.

- would like to thank Verizon and BlackBerry, without whom this blog post would have been impossible.

Thank you all. May the next 100 be as much fun as the last 300.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm one of the 8, eh?