Thursday, January 08, 2009

I Could Be, But I'm Not

I could be bitter that my back hurts
  • But I'm not because I can walk

I could be bitter I had to pick up my recycables that blew down the street

  • But I'm not because I am thankful I can contribute toward a greener Earth

I could be bitter that I have to work a lot of extra hours

  • But I'm not because I'm thankful I have a job in a struggling economy

I could be bitter that I am not married

  • But I'm thankful I've never been abused by a spouse

I could be bitter that I don't have children

  • But I'm thankful I get to be important in the life of others children

I could be bitter that I live so far away from my family

  • But I'm thankful I have a family who loves me and I can visit and they can visit me

This life we are given is all about perspective. I could go on and on and on with the "I could be, but I'm not" scenarious, but I won't. But when you start to complain about something and how "bad" you have it, remember it could be worse. It could always be worse. And I know I do my fair shire of griping, complaining, moaning, and groaning. I do hope that I can try to remember these points when I'm feeling down. It could always be worse. I'm just thankful it's not.

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