The random thoughts, rants, raves, passions and general nonsense of one thirty-something single gal living and working and worshipping in the low-country of South Carolina.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Post #300 Brought to You by a Flight Delay in Atlanta
I would like to thank Krystal for putting in a kiosk restaurant near my gate so I could experience food that cannot be experienced in Charleston.
I would like to thank you, my 8 readers, who continue to come back for more ridculous posts on a semi-consistent basis.
I would like to thank the Delta flight attendants for being so nice through this whole delay, even giving me a flight update from their phone when I wondered if I had enough time to get off the plane for food.
- would like to thank Verizon and BlackBerry, without whom this blog post would have been impossible.
Thank you all. May the next 100 be as much fun as the last 300.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
10 Positive Things
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thank you, Beth
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I Should Have Known

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Why Verizon is Still the Bomb

The arrow pointing to that pushpin? Yep, it's pointing to Anchorage, Alaska. Why, do I care, you ask? Because my favorite cousin D is moving there in 2 weeks. So, yeah. I need Verizon to service that area, and they do.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Jealous Kind
i built another temple to a stranger
i gave away my heart to the rushing wind
i set my course to run right into danger
i sought the company of fools instead of friends
you know i've been unfaithful
with lovers in lines
while you're turning over tables
with the rage of a jealous kind
i chose the gallows to the aisle
thought that love would never find
hanging ropes will never keep you
and your love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
tryin' to jump away from rock that keeps on spreading
solace in the shift of the sinking sand
i'd rather feel the pain all too familiar
than be broken by a lover i don't understand
'cause i don't understand
love of a jealous kind, yeah
love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
one hundred other lovers, more, one hundred other altars
if i should slow my pace and finally subject me to grace
and love that shames the wise
betrays the hearts deceit and lies
and breaks the back of foolish pride
love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
The One Where I Turn In My Social Calendar
- How I Met Your Mother (8:00 - 8:30)
- One Tree Hill (8:00 - 9:00)
- Gossip Girl (9:00 - 10:00)
- House may or may not be watched later online. I can only record two shows on my DVR at a time and so HIMYM and OTH trump this.
- NCIS (8:00 - 9:00)
- I have not watched the first episode of NCIS LA and I don't plan too. (Mrs. Newlywed said it wasn't good and she loves NCIS more than I do.)
- Grey's Anatomy (9:00 - 10:00)
- Private Practice (10:00 - 11:00)