The random thoughts, rants, raves, passions and general nonsense of one thirty-something single gal living and working and worshipping in the low-country of South Carolina.
Friday, March 31, 2006
The Phenomenon of Yard Sales
Who invented the concept of a yard sale? I mean, you obviously aren't selling your yard. If it's a garage sale, you aren't selling your garage. Basically, you clean your house, gather your junk, and someone else pays for it. Now granted, depending on the people having the yard sale it could be nice junk. However, aren't we all guilty of putting that horrible Christmas present that we would never have picked out for ourselves nor given to our worst enemy in the sale? Why not just put it in the trash and put the poor gift out of its misery? It will likely be given to another unsuspecting person who will then turn around and sell it again at a yard sale.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Let the Worshippers Arise
Our choir has recently introduced us to an awesome song, Let the Worshippers Arise (originally recorded by Phillips, Craig, & Dean.) When I really stopped to listen to the words I was awe-struck by them. God is so good to us yet we so often stop to rise and worship Him. I listened to this song repeat over and over last night and just thought more and more how we so often don't truly stand and worship God in church. We may stand, but are we truly worshipping Him or going through motions? I pray that as I go forward, God will be alive in me when I am worshipping Him in church or in my daily life.
Let the Worshippers Arise
Father, I see that you are drawing a line in the sand
And I wanna be standing on the side holding your hand
So let your kingdom come
And let it live in me
This is my prayer
This is my plea
Let the worshippers arise
Let the sons and the daughters sing
I'm surrendering my all, to you, O Lord
I surrender to the King
Father, I hear it growing louder
The song of your redeemed
As the saints of every nation are awakening to sing
And from my heart still comes this anthem
O, let the Heavens ring
This is our song, our song to the King
Let the worshippers arise
Let the sons and the daughters sing
I'm surrendering my all, to you, O Lord
I surrender to the King
** My apologies to the authors of this song for any typos that may result in me typing this out as I listen to it on my iPod.
Let the Worshippers Arise
Father, I see that you are drawing a line in the sand
And I wanna be standing on the side holding your hand
So let your kingdom come
And let it live in me
This is my prayer
This is my plea
Let the worshippers arise
Let the sons and the daughters sing
I'm surrendering my all, to you, O Lord
I surrender to the King
Father, I hear it growing louder
The song of your redeemed
As the saints of every nation are awakening to sing
And from my heart still comes this anthem
O, let the Heavens ring
This is our song, our song to the King
Let the worshippers arise
Let the sons and the daughters sing
I'm surrendering my all, to you, O Lord
I surrender to the King
** My apologies to the authors of this song for any typos that may result in me typing this out as I listen to it on my iPod.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The Bunny

Have you ever been to one of those houses where you just wonder "where did they find this stuff?" You know what I'm talking about, the stuff you can't even imagine selling at a yard sale? Well, this past weekend, five of us headed to the mountains to stay at our friend B's cabin. When we got there her aunt had been ahead of us with the Easter decorations. Oh my goodness. There were huge plastic eggs in the landscaping and a basket on the counter with a wide array of Easter-type things in it. We thought this was it. However, when we went downstairs we found The Bunny. Words can't even begin to describe The Bunny. Let's just say it was crocheted and had pipe-cleaner ears. So, The Bunny became our unofficial mascot of the trip. He joined us in the hot tub, for pancakes, he was even caught trying to sneak into our bed. Scandalous I know. The Bunny somehow made his way home from the cabin and now resides somewhere with my niece, G. I can only hope the dog gets ahold of The Bunny and puts him out of his misery.
*** B's family also helped decorate the cabin and their decorating was very tasteful. I would highly recommend this cabin to anyone wanted to get away from it all for a time.
Monday, March 27, 2006
A Traveling I Will Go

Anyone who knows me knows that I do not sit still for long periods of time. I also have a travel bug. I prefer to go in my Accord, but I have been known to board a plane if necessary. I thought I was going to be sitting at home this Summer but over the course of the last few days I have made plans to travels in both May and June. This is one happy girl writing to you today. My good friend B has invited me to attend Memphis in May with her. The trip will also include a ballgame with the Memphis.... I can't wait! Then in June it's off to Hotlanta with the girls to see the Braves battle the Red Sox. This should be fun. The Sevier Heights Baptist Church choir will be singing the National Anthem. I think I sense a dinner at The Cheesecake Factory in my future....
Sunday, March 26, 2006
The One Ring Circus
Today I took my niece, G, to the circus. Remember when you were little and you went to the circus? Three rings with events in each of them? Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Well, say goodbye to those days. The circus today was sadly only one ring. And no lions or tigers or bears. In fact, the wildest animal we saw was a rebellious young horse in the first act. No human cannonball either. I hope they bring the 3-ring circus to town someday so G can experience the full show for everything it is worth. But she has her first circus memory. And those memories are more important than anything. So, G, I hope you remember this day and all the excitement it entailed.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Spring - The Other Winter

According to the definition of Spring is "The season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice and popularly considered to comprise March, April, and May. " Well, they lied. It has been colder for the first 5 days of Spring than it was for the month of February! SNOW! They are saying it will SNOW tonight. Whoever said there were four seasons to a year never lived in Tennessee. We have more because winter and spring rotate every two weeks from Fall's end until Summer's begin. So enjoy your Winter/Spring. If you don't like the weather this week, come back next week for something different.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
My Asian Meal Day

Sushi! I know. It's raw fish. Well, most of it is. But I love it! My friend P and I finally were able to coordinate our schedules enough to go eat some sushi for lunch. It was so nice to be able to eat a food I love and share in some nice Christian conversation. My friend J backed out. J was not being fun J today. Unfortunately King Leer was more important than Queen Carrie. Imagine that.
Tonight I will be continuing my Asian themed meal day with an authentic Chinese (or should it be Taiwanese?) supper. My friends M and D from Taiwan are having some of us over for a potluck. I am very excited to taste what they provide. I am bringing a very traditional American dessert...a jello and fruit concoction. Oh, the privilage of being raised in the South with the wonders of casserole dishes and all the delicacies you can fill them with.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My First Blog
Ok, so I've finally decided to try out this blog thing. I enjoying reading blogs so I feel I should finally contribute to the world of blogs. After all, I make my living sitting at a PC. I usually have some random thoughts running around in my head so now I can share them with everyone. One person told me today that I was their "strangest yet funniest friend" so this could get interesting. So, come back if you enjoy, stay away if you don't.
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