The random thoughts, rants, raves, passions and general nonsense of one thirty-something single gal living and working and worshipping in the low-country of South Carolina.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I'm An Admitted Blog Stalker
No, it did not take a 12 step program. I just happened to meet one of the pepole. So, I admitted I was a blog stalker. The other people, they don't know yet. I like having a little mystery remain in my blog stalking. So, E, this blog is dedicated to you.
Pig Roast

This Saturday our Bible Fellowship (Sunday School) class will host a pit roast at my good friend J's house. We are praying that the guys do not dress in native gear, but you will have to show up to see. All are welcome to come, so join us. Hopefully (we're crossing our fingers here) the food will be edible. The entertainment is a guartantee. Real pictures of a roast from 2006 to come I am sure.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
These are the Days of Elijah, Part 1
Sunday morning was awesome. First, the choir sang "Days of Elijah." This is one of my favorite songs that they sing. I have even heard them sing it on their mission trip to NYC last year! How cool is that. Then we went to Bible Fellowship (aka Sunday School), and our lesson was on Elijah. As I listened to and read some of Elijah's stories again I was astonished by how God really spoke to me about this prophet and his life. In 1 Kings 17:7-24 Elijah is instructed by God to go to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. When he arrives Elijah is instructed by God to ask the widow to feed him. The widow only has enough to make one small cake for her son and herself and then they plan to lay down and die due to the drought and famine in the land. However, she does as God has instructed. God then provided for them for as long as they needed. How often does God ask us to give from what little we have? Do we do as he asks? One area of my life I have really felt convicted about in the last year has been in my giving through tithes and of my time. God gives me so much yet I always struggled to give Him back even the smallest bit. As I reflected on these verses yesterday I realized that since I have been more obedient in giving as God instructs He has blessed me and given me a peace about what He has provided to me. Yes, there have been several occasions where I would rather have paid extra on a bill or gone out to eat a little nicer, but I knew that if I did not give to God what was rightfully His (after all, it is really all His and He could take it away at any time!) that the meal wouldn't taste as great and other bills would probably come up with more urgency. I also realized when reading this passage that when the woman's son passes away she questions Elijah and his God as to why this happened. We all do this. We obey God's commands when the going is good with no questions asked, but as soon as God does something that isn't in our plans we are questioning Him and His logic. God's logic and reasoning are always perfect, and I pray that I along with my friends will rely on God knowing our best interests rather we have plenty or we are in want.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
What's in a Name?
Ok, so I've admitted that I blog stalk. I enjoy the different blogs I read, some for entertainment value, others for the insight into God's word. But I must admit that this morning I blog stalked an entry (A Boy Named Sue) that really disturbed me. Now, since I don't know the person I am going to retaliate on here. After all, isn't the purpose of stalking to not get caught? So, this person decided to make fun of unique names. Now, I will admit that I have made fun of some names in my time. There is a lady at work who chose a unique name for her daughter that I personally do not care for. But I would never say that out loud nor to her face. I have several friends who have unique names. A and S are special to me and I can't imagine their names being anything other than what they are. Now, in reference to my friend J's blog on our identities, would A and S be as special to me if their names were Ann and Beth? Yes, but they aren't. And to me part of who they are is their name. So, please don't make fun. After all, your sons will probably marry girls who have "different" names just because you don't like them.
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